
Is Jordan Safe for Tourists in 2024? A Safety Guide to Petra, Amman, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and Madaba

Jordan is a country in the Middle East that has been attracting tourists from all over the world for many years. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and welcoming people, it’s no surprise that Jordan has become a popular destination for travelers. However, with the ongoing political conflicts in the region, many tourists are still wondering whether Jordan is a safe place to visit in 2024.


Petra, Amman, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and Madaba are some of the most popular destinations in Jordan. Tourists flock to Petra to explore the ancient city carved into the rock, while Wadi Rum offers a unique desert experience. Amman, the capital city, is a bustling metropolis with a rich cultural scene, while Jerash is home to some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world. Madaba, on the other hand, is known for its stunning mosaics and religious sites. While these destinations are undoubtedly worth visiting, tourists are understandably concerned about their safety.

So, is Jordan safe for tourists in 2024? The answer is yes, with some caveats. While the ongoing conflicts in the region can be a cause for concern, the Jordanian government has taken steps to ensure the safety of tourists. The country has a strong security presence, and tourists are advised to take precautions such as avoiding large crowds and staying away from areas that are known to be hotspots for political unrest. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to stay informed about the latest travel advisories and to follow the advice of local authorities.

Overall Safety Situation in Jordan 2024

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Jordan is considered a safe country for tourists to visit in 2024. The country is known for its warm hospitality and friendly people. The Jordanian government places a high priority on the safety and security of tourists, and there is a visible police presence in most areas frequented by tourists.

Jordan has been largely peaceful and stable in recent years, with no major conflicts or civil unrest. However, it is important to note that the country is located in a volatile region, and there have been occasional incidents of violence and unrest. The Jordanian government closely monitors the security situation and takes steps to ensure the safety of tourists.

There have been no recent travel advisories issued by the UK Foreign Office or the US State Department regarding travel to Jordan. However, visitors should always exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings, especially in crowded areas and tourist sites.

Petra, one of Jordan’s most popular tourist destinations, is generally considered safe for tourists. There have been no major security incidents reported at the site in recent years. Similarly, Amman, the capital city, is generally safe for tourists, with a low crime rate and a visible police presence.

Wadi Rum, a popular desert destination for tourists, is also considered safe. However, visitors should be aware that the area is remote and may be difficult to access in the event of an emergency.

Jerash, a historic city in northern Jordan, is considered safe for tourists. However, visitors should exercise caution when traveling to the northern border with Syria, as there have been occasional incidents of violence and unrest in the area.

Madaba, a city known for its Byzantine mosaics, is generally considered safe for tourists. However, visitors should be aware of their surroundings and exercise caution when traveling at night.

Overall, Jordan is a safe and welcoming country for tourists. Visitors should exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings, especially in crowded areas and tourist sites.

Tourist Safety in Major Cities and Attractions


Jordan is a country with a rich cultural heritage and many significant historical sites that attract tourists from all over the world. However, when traveling to a new country, safety is always a concern. Here is what tourists need to know about safety in major cities and attractions in Jordan in 2024.


Amman is the capital city of Jordan and is generally considered safe for tourists. The city has a low crime rate, and the government has taken steps to ensure the safety of tourists. Visitors are advised to take the usual precautions, such as not carrying large amounts of cash and avoiding deserted areas at night.


Petra is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Jordan, known for its stunning rock-carved architecture and ancient history. The site is generally considered safe for tourists, with a low crime rate. However, visitors are advised to be cautious of scams and pickpocketing, especially in crowded areas.

Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is a desert valley in southern Jordan that is popular among tourists for its stunning landscape and outdoor activities. The area is generally considered safe for tourists, but visitors are advised to take precautions when going on hikes or other outdoor activities, such as bringing plenty of water and wearing appropriate clothing.


Jerash is an ancient Roman city in northern Jordan that is known for its well-preserved ruins. The site is generally considered safe for tourists, with a low crime rate. Visitors are advised to take the usual precautions, such as not carrying large amounts of cash and avoiding deserted areas at night.


Madaba is a small town in central Jordan known for its Byzantine-era mosaics. The town is generally considered safe for tourists, with a low crime rate. Visitors are advised to take the usual precautions, such as not carrying large amounts of cash and avoiding deserted areas at night.

Overall, Jordan is a safe country for tourists, and the government has taken steps to ensure the safety of visitors. However, as with any travel destination, visitors should take the usual precautions and be aware of their surroundings. By taking these precautions, tourists can enjoy all that Jordan has to offer without worrying about their safety.

Safety Measures for Visitors

Jordan is a relatively safe country for tourists, but visitors should take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and protect their valuables. A travel guide can provide helpful safety tips and planning advice to visitors, especially those who are not familiar with the local culture and customs.

When planning an itinerary, visitors should research the safety of the places they plan to visit and consider the time of day and the crowds. It is advisable to avoid traveling alone, especially at night, and to stay in well-lit and busy areas. Visitors should also be aware of their surroundings and avoid displaying expensive jewelry, cameras, or other valuables that may attract unwanted attention.

In terms of what to wear, visitors should dress modestly and respectfully, especially when visiting religious sites. It is also advisable to wear comfortable and sturdy shoes when exploring Petra, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and other historic sites, as some areas may be uneven or rocky.

Visitors should also take precautions to protect themselves from the sun and heat, especially during the summer months. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and wear a hat and sunscreen to avoid dehydration and sunburn.

In conclusion, while Jordan is a safe country for tourists, visitors should take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and protect their valuables. By following these safety measures and using common sense, visitors can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Jordan.

Travel and Transportation Safety


Jordan is a relatively safe country for tourists, and the government has taken measures to ensure the safety of visitors. However, tourists should still exercise caution when traveling in Jordan and take appropriate safety measures.

Public Transport

Public transport in Jordan is generally safe, but visitors should be aware that buses and minibusses can be overcrowded and uncomfortable. It is recommended that tourists use taxis or rent a car with a driver to get around.


Taxis are widely available in Jordan and are generally safe to use. However, tourists should ensure that the taxi they are taking is licensed and that they agree on a fare before starting the journey. It is also recommended that tourists use a reputable taxi company like JETT or Rainbow Taxi to ensure their safety.


If tourists choose to rent a car with a driver, they should ensure that the driver is licensed and experienced. It is also recommended that tourists use a reputable car rental company like Avis or Hertz to ensure their safety.


JETT is a reputable bus company in Jordan that offers safe and reliable transportation to various destinations in the country. Tourists can book their tickets online or at the JETT office.

Desert Highway

The Desert Highway is a major highway in Jordan that connects the capital city of Amman to the southern city of Aqaba. The highway is generally safe, but tourists should exercise caution when driving on it, especially at night.


Tourists can also use JETT buses to travel between major cities in Jordan. The buses are comfortable and safe, and the drivers are experienced. Tourists can book their tickets online or at the JETT office.

Overall, tourists can feel relatively safe when traveling in Jordan, but they should still exercise caution and take appropriate safety measures. By following the guidelines above, tourists can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Jordan.

Crime and Scams Targeting Tourists

Jordan is a relatively safe country with a low crime rate, and tourists are not often targeted by violent crime. However, tourists should still take precautions to avoid becoming victims of petty crime such as pickpocketing and theft. Tourists should be vigilant when visiting crowded areas such as markets and public transportation, and should keep their valuables close at hand.

One common scam targeting tourists in Jordan is the “friendly local” scam. This involves a stranger approaching a tourist and offering to show them around or take them to a local restaurant. The tourist is then taken to an overpriced restaurant or shop where the scammer receives a commission for bringing in customers. To avoid falling victim to this scam, tourists should be wary of strangers offering unsolicited assistance and should only use reputable tour operators and restaurants.

Another scam targeting tourists in Jordan is the “fake police” scam. This involves a person posing as a police officer and asking to see a tourist’s passport and money. The scammer then takes the money and disappears. To avoid falling victim to this scam, tourists should ask for identification from anyone claiming to be a police officer and should only show their passport to legitimate law enforcement officials.

In Petra, tourists should be aware of the “camel scam.” This involves a camel owner offering to take a tourist’s picture with their camel and then demanding an exorbitant fee for the photo. To avoid falling victim to this scam, tourists should negotiate the price before taking the photo and should only use reputable camel owners.

Overall, tourists in Jordan should take basic safety precautions and be aware of common scams targeting tourists. By staying vigilant and using common sense, tourists can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Jordan.

Women Safety in Jordan

Jordan is a safe country for female travelers, and women can freely move around the country without any major safety concerns. Jordanian women are highly educated and enjoy much more freedom than women in neighboring Middle Eastern countries.

However, female travelers should still take some precautions to ensure their safety while traveling in Jordan. Here are some tips for women traveling to Jordan:

  • Dress modestly: Although there is no dress code in Jordan, it is recommended that women dress modestly, especially in public places. This means covering their shoulders, avoiding tight-fitting clothes, and wearing long skirts or pants.

  • Avoid walking alone at night: It is advisable to avoid walking alone at night, especially in deserted areas. If you must walk alone, stay in well-lit areas and avoid poorly lit streets.

  • Use licensed taxis: It is recommended to use licensed taxis for transportation, especially at night. Female travelers should avoid getting into unmarked taxis or accepting rides from strangers.

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Female travelers should be aware of their surroundings at all times and avoid walking around with their valuables in plain sight.

  • Report any incidents: In case of any incidents of harassment or assault, female travelers should report it to the local authorities and their embassy.

Overall, Jordan is a safe country for female travelers, and women can enjoy their trip to the fullest by taking basic safety precautions.

Political Situation and its Impact on Tourism


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Jordan is a relatively stable country in the Middle East, and the government has taken significant steps to ensure the safety of tourists. However, the political situation in the region can have an impact on tourism, and travelers should be aware of the current situation before planning their trip.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which began in May 2021, has led to some concerns about the safety of travel to Jordan. However, the Jordanian government has taken measures to ensure the safety of visitors, and there have been no reports of violence or unrest in the country.

Jordan shares a land border with Israel, and travelers might be wondering whether it’s affected by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The border crossing between Jordan and Israel is currently open, and tourists can travel freely between the two countries. However, travelers should be aware that tensions in the region can change rapidly, and they should stay up-to-date with the latest news and travel advisories.

Jordan also shares borders with Syria and Iraq, which have both experienced significant political unrest in recent years. However, the situation in Jordan is relatively stable, and there have been no reports of violence or unrest in the country related to these conflicts.

The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also located near Jordan, and travelers should be aware of the political situation in these areas. The Jordanian government has taken steps to ensure the safety of visitors, and there have been no reports of violence or unrest in the country related to these conflicts.

In conclusion, while the political situation in the region can have an impact on tourism, Jordan remains a relatively safe and stable country to visit. Travelers should stay up-to-date with the latest news and travel advisories and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Weather and Natural Hazards

Jordan experiences a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. The country is generally sunny and pleasant throughout the year. However, tourists should be aware of the possibility of flash floods, especially during the winter months from November to March.

Flash floods can occur suddenly and with little warning, especially in the valleys and canyons of Petra and Wadi Rum. Tourists are advised to check the weather forecast and avoid visiting these areas during or after heavy rainfall. It is also important to follow the instructions of local authorities and tour guides in case of an emergency.

In addition to flash floods, tourists should also be aware of the risk of sunstroke and dehydration during the hot summer months. It is recommended to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, wear sunscreen and a hat, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day.

Overall, tourists should be prepared for the weather and natural hazards in Jordan, but with proper planning and precautions, they can enjoy a safe and enjoyable trip.

Interaction with Locals


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Interacting with locals in Jordan is generally safe and enjoyable. Jordanians are known for their hospitality and friendliness towards tourists. However, it is important to be respectful of their culture and customs.

When visiting a Bedouin tent or interacting with Bedouin people, it is important to dress modestly and remove shoes before entering their tent. It is also customary to greet them with “Salam” and be polite. Jordanians are generally very welcoming and will often invite tourists to tea or offer them food.

In Amman, tourists can visit local markets such as the Downtown Souk and interact with locals while shopping for souvenirs. It is important to negotiate prices respectfully and not to touch items without permission.

In Petra, tourists can interact with local Bedouin people who live in the area. They offer guided tours and sell souvenirs. It is important to be respectful of their culture and not to take photos without permission.

In Wadi Rum, tourists can stay in Bedouin camps and interact with local Bedouin people. They offer guided tours and traditional Bedouin meals. It is important to be respectful of their culture and not to touch items without permission.

In Jerash, tourists can visit local restaurants and interact with locals while trying traditional Jordanian cuisine. It is important to be respectful of their culture and not to waste food.

In Madaba, tourists can visit local workshops and interact with locals while learning about traditional crafts such as mosaics. It is important to be respectful of their culture and not to touch items without permission.

Overall, tourists can have a safe and enjoyable experience interacting with locals in Jordan as long as they are respectful of their culture and customs.

Visa and Entrance Requirements

Tourists visiting Jordan in 2024 are required to have a passport valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival. Additionally, one blank page is required for an entry stamp. Visitors from many countries, including the United States, can obtain a single-entry visa upon arrival at Queen Alia International Airport or most international land border crossings. The cost of the visa is JOD 40, which is approximately USD 56. Travelers should have cash on hand to pay for their visa as credit cards are not always accepted.

It is important to note that visa requirements and fees are subject to change, so it is recommended that tourists check with the Jordanian embassy or consulate in their home country prior to travel.

Entrance fees are required for many of Jordan’s top tourist attractions, including Petra, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and Madaba. These fees are set by the Jordanian government and are subject to change. The Jordan Pass is a popular option for tourists as it includes entrance fees to many of Jordan’s top attractions, including Petra, and can save visitors money. The Jordan Pass is available for purchase online and must be purchased in advance of travel.

The Jordan Tourism Board is a helpful resource for tourists planning a trip to Jordan. They provide information on visa requirements, entrance fees, and other travel-related topics. The Jordan Tourism Board can be reached via their website or through their social media channels.

Online Safety and Security

When it comes to online safety and security, tourists visiting Jordan should exercise the same caution they would in any other country. It is important to be aware of potential scams and phishing attempts, especially when using public Wi-Fi.

To ensure online safety, tourists are advised to use a virtual private network (VPN) when accessing the internet in Jordan. This will encrypt their online activity and protect their personal information from potential hackers.

Tourists should also be cautious when using social media platforms such as Facebook. It is recommended to adjust privacy settings to limit the amount of personal information that is shared with strangers. Additionally, tourists should be wary of friend requests and messages from unknown individuals.

Overall, while Jordan is a safe country for tourists, it is important to exercise caution and be aware of potential online threats. By taking necessary precautions, tourists can enjoy a safe and secure trip to Jordan.

Frequently Asked Questions


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What safety measures should tourists take when visiting Jordan in 2024?

Tourists should take general safety measures when visiting Jordan in 2024. It is recommended to stay alert and aware of the surroundings, avoid large gatherings and demonstrations, and follow the instructions of local authorities and tour guides. It is also advised to avoid traveling alone, especially at night, and to keep valuable items in a safe place.

Are there any travel restrictions for tourists visiting Jordan?

As of January 2024, there are no travel restrictions for tourists visiting Jordan. However, it is recommended to check the latest travel advisories before planning a trip to Jordan.

Is it safe for American tourists to visit Petra?

Yes, it is safe for American tourists to visit Petra. The entire site is part of the Petra National Park, run by the Jordanian government, which takes extra safety precautions to ensure that visitors are well taken care of. However, tourists should still take general safety measures when visiting Petra.

What is the current travel advisory for Jordan?

According to the U.S. Department of State, Jordan is currently at “Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.” The advisory states that visitors should “exercise increased caution in Jordan due to terrorism.” However, the advisory also notes that “terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Jordan” and that “violent extremist groups have targeted U.S. government interests in Jordan.”

Is it safe to walk around Amman as a tourist?

Yes, it is generally safe to walk around Amman as a tourist. However, tourists should still take general safety measures when walking around the city, such as staying alert and aware of the surroundings, avoiding large gatherings and demonstrations, and following the instructions of local authorities and tour guides.

Are there any safety concerns for tourists visiting Wadi Rum?

There are no major safety concerns for tourists visiting Wadi Rum. However, tourists should still take general safety measures when visiting the area, such as staying alert and aware of the surroundings, avoiding large gatherings and demonstrations, and following the instructions of local authorities and tour guides. It is also recommended to travel with a reputable tour operator.

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